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Where to Look For and How to Find Your Next Leaders

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You know you should develop future leaders. It’s one of your primary leadership responsibilities. But how do you find those future leaders? How do you know if someone will be successful as a leader?

How to Solve That Pesky Sick Leave Problem

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There’s been considerable discussion about mandated, paid sick-leave over the last few years. Proponents say providing paid sick leave is something businesses should do. Opponents say it’s too expensive.
The current situation with Covid has changed this discussion some, but at some point we’ll be back to talking about things like flu or a sick child. So, let’s examine the question from two points of view.
Employees want to be able to stay home when they are ill and not take a financial hit. That seems reasonable.
Employers don’t want to pay someone for not working. That too seems reasonable.

No Values? Really?

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Have you ever heard, “That person has no values”? What that usually means is, “That person’s values are so different from mine that I don’t recognize them.”

How Did This Happen?

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It’s common to do a deep post mortem when things go wrong or failure happens. How come we don’t put as much effort into learning from our successes?

Why Virtual Is Not The Entire Answer

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Where would we be today without the technology which enables us to turn on a camera and have meetings and conferences with others anywhere around the globe?

Digging for Dhub Dhubs – What Leaders Don’t Know May Not Hurt Them

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A dhub dhub is an odd looking creature that can be found in parts of the Middle East. Full grown they are about 2 – 3 feet long and look like a prehistoric cross between an alligator and a lizard with the beak of a snapping turtle. They aren’t particularly friendly, but aren’t aggressive either. They burrow into the ground and are content to just be left alone.
Apparently, unknown to me, several of the guys had found one of these dhub dhubs near the parking ramp and had adopted it.