Common Sense Leadership ™

Supervisors and managers are often faced with the challenge of leading a team with little or no training in effective team leadership and little understanding of their true role as a team leader. Often, they’ve had little to no training in effective ways to lead teams and little understanding of their role as a team leader. To add to the difficulty, teams often include members who are not direct reports. That’s why we offer Common Sense Leadership.™

Common Sense Leadership ™ is a 2-day workshop that provides tools to help supervisors and managers become more effective leaders. Attendees will learn the basics of great leadership. They will learn more about themselves, how they approach interpersonal relationships, and how they can make relationships less stressful and more productive. A module on accountability explains leadership responsibility and how to best leverage that responsibility to improve the team. By the end of the workshop, each participant will have a complete draft of a Personal Leadership Philosophy to help them gain better self-awareness while also providing a tool to articulate their leadership approach.

The workshop is designed to meet the needs of team leaders. The workshop is presented by instructors with extensive leadership experience who use guided discussion to ensure the material presented is applicable to each participant.

Participants will:
• Identify basic concepts of leadership and apply them to their own situation.
• Analyze their personality and how they interact with the personalities of others.
• Discover and appraise their values structure and apply values-based leadership.
• Formulate a purpose for their team and apply purpose-driven leadership.
• Develop and design the building blocks for their personal leadership philosophy and apply people-centric leadership.

This workshop is eligible for 16 PDUs from the Project Management Institute.

To learn more or schedule this workshop for your supervisors and managers, contact The Daedalus Group or use the contact form.

Copyright © 2024 The Daedalus Group

The Daedalus Group Albuquerque, New Mexico
