Leadership Development Training
Leadership is getting things done through people. Anyone in the company who has responsibility for the work of others is in a leadership position. That’s why leadership development training is essential to your company’s success.
Too often someone who is good at their job is promoted to a supervisory or managerial position but not provided the skills necessary for the new responsibility. The result is usually mediocre performance at best and too often just failure.
Very few people do not have the ability to be an effective leader. There is no genetic coding or specific trait that determines if a person can be a leader. In fact, there are only two characteristics necessary to be an effective leader.
- A genuine desire to be an effective leader,
- The willingness to learn the skills necessary for effective leadership.
The Daedalus Group provides leadership development training in those skills to help your supervisors and managers understand how to be effective leaders.
Our Approach
There really is nothing new in leadership. The same basic skills have been effective for many years. What is constantly evolving is how effective leaders apply those skills to their own situation.
The Daedalus Group helps supervisors and managers develop a deep understand of leadership skills and how to apply them with their team.
We know most people don’t like to sit through a lecture about leadership and research tells us that knowledge and skill retention is poor with that approach. Instead, we find it much more effective to provide highly interactive programs that help supervisors and managers understand leadership skills and begin to think about how they will apply those skills in their own situation.
We are very flexible in how we present leadership development training programs and will work with you to meet your company’s needs. The best value we can offer includes follow-on coaching to help leaders effectively apply the skills we present.
All our leadership development training is anchored with two tools.
- The MyHardWired™ Workshop uses a comprehensive leadership styles assessment that identifies the types of activities that energize team members, as well as the activities that lead to frustration. Individual assessments combine to provide a comprehensive team profile allowing members to see how each one adds to the team’s overall style and culture. It’s an opportunity to explore your team’s internal energy flow and develop better working relationships. Think how helpful it would be if you knew what energized each team member and how you and they best communicate. Great leaders go beyond knowing basic information about their team and dive deeper into truly understanding what gets them engaged. That’s where the true power of the profile workshop becomes apparent.
- The Personal Leadership Philosophy is a document each of our participants complete that records how they approach their leadership responsibilities. This one-page document clearly expresses their values, the team’s mission, their priorities, what they expect from their team, what the team can expect from them, and how they best communicate.
These two tools, provide the foundation for leaders to apply the other skills they will learn.
Teams across the country have found the MyHardWired™ workshop to be a great way for individual team members to understand themselves better, and to better understand how their own strengths contribute to the entire team. Along with the individual profiles, the workshop provides a profile of the team with a summary of each member and how they compare to the whole team.
We now also offer the ability to easily adjust the team’s profile to keep it up-to-date and therefore continuously relevant, accounting for normal team turnover. New members can see the team’s culture and understand how they will fit in to that culture.
The MyHardWired™ Workshop doesn’t tell you where you or your team members have problems, or ask you or them to change. What is does do is show where each person’s strengths are and how you can all work together more effectively, not by changing but by understanding.
Contact us at 505-453-5266 or use this form to get started making your supervisors and managers more effective leaders! vb
Copyright © 2024 The Daedalus Group
The Daedalus Group Albuquerque, New Mexico