Strategic planning is one of a leader’s most important responsibilities. Unfortunately, in today’s fast paced world, there are more and more voices saying strategic planning not only isn’t necessary, but is counter-productive.
That’s wrong!
Strategic planning is essential.
A good strategic plan provides the foundation for everything else your company does. It is not a complete business plan or a marketing plan but is the basis upon which those documents are built.
A good strategic plan:
The Plan to Excel Model™
The Plan to Excel Model™ is the result of more than 30 years of studying planning and creating strategic plans. We’ve found the commonly accepted models are either too complex to be useful, or are two simplified to be meaningful. A plan that takes months to create and is too complex for those who have to implement it will not be effective.
Likewise, can you really put your company’s plan for success on a single page?
The Plan to Excel Model™ isn’t overly complicated or overly simplified. Instead it uses a proven process to help your company create a fundamental plan that will be the basis for accelerated success.
We want you and your organization to succeed and we’re so sure that the Plan to Excel Model™ will accelerate your organization to new heights that we will give you an electronic copy of the new edition of Planning to Excel: Strategic Planning That Works if you request a free telephone consult. Send your request using the form below. As soon as we set up a time, you’ll receive the file. The consult and book are completely free and you’re under no obligation to go any further, but we believe you’ll want this for your company.
Before our initial consult, read the book and jot down some notes about your vision for your company or team and its mission. Then, after the initial consult, we’ll schedule a week to create your strategic plan.
Only a week? That’s right. It’s an intense 4-5 days requiring you and your leadership team to dedicate your time and do some preliminary work. Experience has proven that one of the reasons strategic planning fails is a process that is too long and is overcome by other events that become a priority. By using such an intense schedule, we can quickly build momentum and complete the plan before that happens.
If your team doesn’t have a solid plan, or hasn’t reviewed the plan in a year or more, contact us at or use the contact form. Let’s get you on a path to excel.
Copyright © 2024 The Daedalus Group
The Daedalus Group Albuquerque, New Mexico