Leadership Evaluation – Where Does My Company Need Help?
“I know there are areas that need improvement in my company, there always are; but what are we doing, or not doing, that’s holding us back?”
Leadership development, team building, and strategic planning offer great benefits at all levels of your company. Knowing where to focus your efforts multiplies those benefits.
The Daedalus Group is partnered with QUADRED to provide a suite of powerful on-line assessments that we can use to provide targeting training and coaching for the leaders in your company.
The assessments include:
- QuadLead Leadership Performance 360 Model which polls the individual, peers, and their boss to measure leadership capability and leadership competence.
- QuadStrat is a suite of business and organization performance assessments that quickly pin point the best opportunities for strategic business improvement. The assessments clearly illustrate the degree of alignment, of lack of thereof, among the senior executives and between management and staff. QuadStrat provides performance scores for 35 business disciplines and answers the question: Are the senior managers on the same page and to what degree are employees engaged and committed? There are versions of the instrument for credit unions, government, non-profit, churches, and education. (QuadStrat is a preliminary instrument for our Plan to Excel strategic planning process)
- QuadBoard is a board governance, best practice assessment. The assessment is completed by board members and indicates how they are performing in the critical areas of their fiduciary responsibilities as board members. Whether it be Sarbanes-Oxley or other board-related imperatives, this assessment supports the needs of organizations that are committed to board effectiveness.
Contact us at 505-453-5266 or use this form and set up time to discuss how these tools can work for you.
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The Daedalus Group Albuquerque, New Mexico