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A Leadership Challenge

The boss called me in to tell me I was being transferred from a position I really enjoyed to one I certainly didn’t want. When I arrived at the new office I found that my predecessor had been fired and I had a strong feeling it was premature to start… Read More »A Leadership Challenge

The Respect Paradox

I’m always on the lookout for examples, both good and bad, of leadership in action. In this example a lack of respect demonstrated bad leadership. I was checking out at the grocery store the other day and a clerk had just opened a new register. As I started unloading my basket… Read More »The Respect Paradox

What is Servant Leadership?

In 1970, Robert Greenleaf wrote an essay titled, “The Servant-Leader Within.” A few years later he revised his essay and since then the concept of servant leadership has become one of the buzz phrases of the management – leadership lexicon. What strikes me about Greenleaf’s writing is not that he… Read More »What is Servant Leadership?

Great Leaders Create Culture

This week we welcome guest blogger Jay Pullins from Catapult Leadership Solutions. The first priority of great leaders is making more leaders. But it doesn’t just happen. Making leaders requires selflessness, confidence and intentionality (see last week’s blog). And making more leaders doesn’t happen without a plan. That’s why many… Read More »Great Leaders Create Culture