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Communication and Feedback

Don’t Raise Mushrooms

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Photo by Freepik Shortly after arriving in the new organization, I asked why we were doing certain tasks that didn’t seem to make sense. This was my first job as an airplane mechanic. I was very young, impressionable, and quite curious so I was disappointed when another mechanic told me… Read More »Don’t Raise Mushrooms

Does Your Team Trust You?

When I talk about trust in leadership development workshops, there are always some participants, often many participants who have stories about leaders who they just didn’t trust. That is not surprising but it is a little baffling. How can there be so much distrust in today’s oh-so-enlightened world? It doesn’t… Read More »Does Your Team Trust You?

Do You Need Ice Cream?

It was 3 years after the end of open hostilities of the first Gulf War. The atmosphere was somewhat more relaxed but there was still tension. I was the maintenance officer for a deployed rescue squadron. Coalition aircraft were flying combat missions to enforce the no-fly zone over Iraq and… Read More »Do You Need Ice Cream?

Communication and Conflict

Leadership and Civility

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It seems that leadership and civility would be an easy discussion. Alas, it is not. Civility is a concept that seems to be lost in today’s society even though it is absolutely essential for good teams. A cultural shift has been happening and now it seems that being civil means… Read More »Leadership and Civility

Two Challenges Leaders Face and Some Suggested Approaches

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Leaders face many challenges; team members, bosses, local conditions, national and international activities. Here are two common challenges leaders face and suggested approaches you can take to deal with them.