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Leading and Building Teams

How Dare You Disagree

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It is traditional at this time of year to reflect on the events and actions of the previous twelve months. As this year comes to a close, what I find most striking is the unbelievable vitriol that has infected interpersonal relationships. It seems to have become impossible to discuss even… Read More »How Dare You Disagree

Don’t Raise Mushrooms

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Photo by Freepik Shortly after arriving in the new organization, I asked why we were doing certain tasks that didn’t seem to make sense. This was my first job as an airplane mechanic. I was very young, impressionable, and quite curious so I was disappointed when another mechanic told me… Read More »Don’t Raise Mushrooms

How to Create a Culture of Accountability in the Workplace

Image by Freepik It’s often a difficult concept for leaders to grasp – this idea of accountability. What does accountability mean for a leader? Accountability and responsibility are often used synonymously, but there is a subtle, yet critical difference. You are responsible for accomplishing assignments, living within corporate values, or… Read More »How to Create a Culture of Accountability in the Workplace

How to be a Bad Leader

What makes a good leader? There are countless books that claim to answer that question. In fact, by my rough estimate, if you laid all the leadership books end-to-end they would stretch for more than 35 miles. I’ve been fortunate to work for and with some very good leaders who… Read More »How to be a Bad Leader

Leadership Communication Training

Leading a Matrixed Team

Many leaders are leading matrixed teams. Most if not all their team members are from other parts of the company and not in the leader’s reporting chain. Often this arrangement results in the team leader feeling they don’t have real leadership authority. Although it’s true that a matrixed team leader… Read More »Leading a Matrixed Team

Seven Tips for New Leaders (Or anyone who wants to be a better leader)

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Whether you’re a new leader, or just moving to a new leadership position, you’ll probably approach your new job with at least a little trepidation. That’s natural and you should only be concerned if you don’t feel at least a little uncertainty. Even if you have some leadership experience, never… Read More »Seven Tips for New Leaders (Or anyone who wants to be a better leader)