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Leading and Building Teams

Communication and Conflict

Leadership in Change Management

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What is the role of leadership in change management? Joe and Jane both led divisions of roughly equal size and responsibility in a large company. The company had recently directed several unpopular changes that were disruptive to both divisions. Joe was having a lot of trouble getting his team to… Read More »Leadership in Change Management

Leaders and DEI

Warning! This article examines commonly accepted principles and you may find it disturbing. If you are unwilling to challenge current orthodoxy, or if you are easily offended, you may want to skip this one. I will not be offended, although I would question your ability to be a good leader.… Read More »Leaders and DEI

The Problem With Categories

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Warning: This post may not be politically correct or conform to the current expected narrative. If you are easily offended you may want to skip this one. In a recent leadership development class, a woman expressed frustration that, as a woman, her voice was not always heard or taken seriously.… Read More »The Problem With Categories

Does Your Team Trust You?

When I talk about trust in leadership development workshops, there are always some participants, often many participants who have stories about leaders who they just didn’t trust. That is not surprising but it is a little baffling. How can there be so much distrust in today’s oh-so-enlightened world? It doesn’t… Read More »Does Your Team Trust You?

Leadership Skills Training - Mistakes

Mistakes Leaders Make

No one’s perfect and when the average imperfect individual finds him or herself in a leadership position, there are suddenly many more opportunities to mess up. As the scope of responsibility grows, the likelihood of making mistakes increases. Here are some common mistakes leaders make that have nothing to do… Read More »Mistakes Leaders Make