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How Developing Future Leaders Accelerates Company Growth – Create a Leadership Development Program to Identify and Train Your Future Leaders

How does developing future leaders accelerate company growth? Simply because you, the owner or senior leader, can’t do it all. As your company grows the leadership skills of supervisors and managers become increasingly important. To meet that challenge, you need a leadership development program that can accurately identify and train… Read More »How Developing Future Leaders Accelerates Company Growth – Create a Leadership Development Program to Identify and Train Your Future Leaders

Two Challenges Leaders Face and Some Suggested Approaches

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Leaders face many challenges; team members, bosses, local conditions, national and international activities. Here are two common challenges leaders face and suggested approaches you can take to deal with them.

Are You the Smartest Person on the Team?

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Are you the smartest person on the team? I hope you said no. But, if you look at your whole team and say to yourself, “I really am smarter than all the rest of them,” then maybe you need to find another job.

How to be a Team Player Not a Suck Up

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Being a team player doesn’t always mean agreeing with the boss or the majority. Being a team player means you are loyal to the team. As a team member that means you provide the benefit of your experience and expertise and speak up and make suggestions based on that experience and expertise.