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Leading and Building Teams

How Did This Happen?

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It’s common to do a deep post mortem when things go wrong or failure happens. How come we don’t put as much effort into learning from our successes?

Digging for Dhub Dhubs – What Leaders Don’t Know May Not Hurt Them

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A dhub dhub is an odd looking creature that can be found in parts of the Middle East. Full grown they are about 2 – 3 feet long and look like a prehistoric cross between an alligator and a lizard with the beak of a snapping turtle. They aren’t particularly friendly, but aren’t aggressive either. They burrow into the ground and are content to just be left alone.
Apparently, unknown to me, several of the guys had found one of these dhub dhubs near the parking ramp and had adopted it.

Diversity and the Team Leader

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In leading your team, think of diversity not as race, ethnicity, gender, or any other category. For you, as a leader, diversity refers to just one concept – individuals.